Wednesday, 30 October 2013




Training early childhood leaders and teams in management principles with boring management quotes just does not work. Why not help these teams learn through games and rhymes?  

So here are some great management principles disguised in simple everyday games and rhymes. Play and sing while you learn and lead!  Become a better leader, more organized and be able to manage time, change and people, effectively and successfully. Try it, it is fun and it works too.


  1. Passing the parcel- everyone knows how to play this game- but what team management lesson does this game teach us? - Simple, do not pass the buck, some day the ball will stop at you and you will get the forfeit. So do your work and your duty and if at fault take the blame, don’t pass the buck!
  2. I spy game – a simple game, in which you hide an object and others have to find it. What does this game teach us? – It teaches us to be keen observers and look for the hidden quality threats in our centre. So play this game often as it develops keen observation skills which will help staff to seek out what’s wrong. It can be a miss spelt word on a chart, a cobweb hiding in a corner, a nail sticking out from the furniture, a water puddle that can be a potential safety threat.
  3. Mary had a little lamb- and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go- what does this rhyme teach us?- a simple management principle. Follow the leader. Be a good leader and train your team well, explain the reasons behind the rules and the systems  and then you will have stress free teams that focus and agree on quality, quality, quality.
  4. Race around the clock with hickory dickory dock- the mouse knew what to do when the clock struck one- do you? Set an hour wise timetable for yourself. A beautiful way to teach and practice time management.
  5. Little Bo Beep who lost her sheep and doesn’t know where to find them…….when teams go haywire or a day goes hay wire and nothing works, just go with the flow and slowly things will fall into place.  disorganized day schedules can add to stress levels and tears so just leave them alone and they will come home……!
  6. Little boy blue has a job to do- but where is the boy? Fast asleep. What is every team members job description, and if they ‘sleep’ on their duties then what are  the repercussions, define the duties and define the repercussions or else you will have some team members always sleeping on the job and others bearing the brunt of it, and doing all the extra work.
  7. Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet

Eating her curds and whey

Down came a big spider and sat down beside her

And frightened miss muffed away-

New teachers and new staff members are like little Miss Muffet, scared of the unknown! Prepare teachers especially new ones about the job and the ‘emergencies or things out of control’ that sometimes add stress to the job. Is she prepared or will she be like little Miss Muffet when faced with the spider? The biggest spider that we need to watch out for is staff gossip as it drives away many a Miss Muffet!



So you have a rainbow of songs and games to practice and play at your centre with yourself and your staff. And in each of the above is hidden a management principle or training, so in true spirit of developmentally appropriate practice even you are playing while you learn!




  1. Dear Ma'am,
    Simple Rhymes but you have given an excellent way to connect them with our day to day learnings.

    Best regards,
    Vishalakshi Sanil

  2. Respcetd maam
    Excellent and simple ways to train ,guide and motivate our staff and connect to in day to day learnings.

  3. Excellent ways to achieve higher goals and inculcate team spirit, which will eventually help us to reach great heights...........

  4. This rhymes gives the personal worth. It gives an connection of the small fears and built an increasing self confidence, self control and self discipline. In blog small rhymes which never seen with this angle of life develops multi sensory of all learning styles to conquer this life time skill. Till now a teacher who used to see this rhymes as a tool of Child's learning potential is maximized will find them to be of greater importance as it offers an abundance of self esteem. Child in an adult heart hearing this rhymes with this concept feel finally conquer and a moment of What an achievement.

  5. Really even the simple games,rhymes that we play with our kids can helps us too, to improve our skill,qualities,confidence and team spirit.

  6. Wonderful & simple methods to train staff about the rhymes & games in class in day to day learning as Rhymes are patterns, they help children learn easy recall and memorization. Rhymes are short and easy to repeat, so they become some of a child’s first sentences and it will really help teachers to conduct the day smoothly

  7. Best and motivating-- rainbow of songs and games to practice and play mentioned in article this will really help to get good team.

  8. Simple way we can motivate & guide our team, also we can build confidence among them.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What a beautiful way to ensure that we have a professional team and lead by setting an example..never imagined that these simple games we grew up playing could teach us such high values 'playfully'.
    All work and no play will surely make us all 'dull' so I will ensure there is a right mix of work and play next time...Thanks Ms.Vats for such brilliant suggestions. Regards,Bhavna

  11. Training our team of teachers through such motivating,exciting quotes,rhymes and games will definitely work.These management principles will effectively help us in becoming and bringing up good leaders. Ms.Rachana Jagtap HM Harsul t-point Aurangabad.

  12. Thank you madam for your wonderful games suggested. This will be really very helpful for teachers and it is an excellent way for motivating and guiding staff.

  13. Excellent way of motivating, bringing self discipline and responsibility in team. Definitely would start playing with staff. Games not only rejuvenate our mind but also bring a sense of togetherness. Thanks ma'am for teaching such a valuable thing.

  14. I really wonder what immense god gift you have in you no one could imagine that from rhymes &games how management principle of training be given to become a true leader with such simplicity.
    Games and rhymes suggested by you for staff and to become a better letter is outstanding as from every game and rhyme there is a different learning to improve Management.
    Its a complete kit to improve our leadership quality and trained our staff for same just to sum up
    No one can go back and change a bad beginning
    but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
    Thanks for your wonderful article.

  15. You really inspire others to become true leaders no one could have ever thought of innovative way of Teaching principle of management skill to become better and best leader through simple games and rhymes.A wonderful article for me and and my staff to become true leaders as
    great leaders dont tell you what to do they show you how its done through your article you have given guidance to every one to become better leader.
    Thanks for your superb ideas.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Thank you for such a wonderful idea to overcome lacunas' of me and my team in a simpler way.
    It will defiantly help us groom through Rhymes and Games in our day to day life.
    It is very simple to teach our team how we can do our daily task in playful mode

  18. Learning while playing and in a very innovative way! Really great learning from this blog. Learning again!


  19. The wonderful 7 games and tricks of developing human resource power. keeping staff active is a task of every leader, above guidelines and games will really help us.

    Thanks ma'am for this energy booster.... Vaishali Joshi.

  20. Wonderful article - Simple and excellent way to motivate and train staff. Also through these simple games and rhymes would help us to become better leader, to be more organized.

  21. Respected mam
    its really nice that these rhymes and games are taught in an early stage of life. Little do we actually realize the semantics hidden in it. These are such simple and beautiful ways to motivate staff and children and so wonderfully written.
    Chhaya Sharma, PJK Nagpur(PWS)

  22. Respected Madam,

    Though the article remains to be simple in its form but has an expansive meaning behind it. How can little things motivate us in life is just a kind of perception for everyone to develop.

    Chandni Singh
    PJK, Sherkhi Vadodara

  23. Ma`am,very effectively in asimple way through simple rhymes you have given us the leadership tips.
    Thank you!

  24. Excellent and Simple way to motivate & guide our organisation and inculcate team spirit

  25. This not only makes us to become better leaders, but also makes our pre frontal lobe to work in interpreting the hidden sense of rhymes, thank you Madam for educating us, proud to be one under you--chitra
