Saturday, 26 July 2014

10 ways to develop your kids emotional intelligence

“When children watch too much violence, they lose out on learning empathy.”
Here are 10 lesser known facts about Emotional Development -
1) Today Emotional Quotient (EQ) is as important as Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
2) The extensive ‘fun violence’ shown in cartoons and children’s programs hampers their emotional growth as it teaches them that both, heroes and villains can use violence to achieve success.
3) While watching news that’s showing gory facts, children fear it will happen to them too. It is important that adults help the child understand or allow the child to question their fears which need to be handled sensitively.
4) Age 0-1 years is the foundation of all emotional development. They learn to trust (or mistrust). When the baby’s needs are taken care of, the baby develops trust in the outside world. Responding to the baby’s communication (e.g. crying) is critical.
5) Age 2-3 years is when the child wants to do things on their own. Blaming them for ‘being late, or taking too much time’ or ‘not doing the task well’, cultivates feelings of shame in the child.
6) Age 4-5 years is when he is keen to take on responsibilities like keeping his bag himself. If the child is discouraged, he develops a sense of guilt and insecurity, making him unsure of himself.
7) Parents and teachers need to help children be aware of different emotional states, both, in themselves and in people around them.
8) They should help children identify and label their feelings so that they can deal with them appropriately.
9) Stories and characters can be used as an important tool to help kids understand and cope with emotions.
10) Elders have to learn to accept children’s emotional responses. For e.g. If the child is angry about something, learn to teach them how to reject the emotional behavior.


  1. As rightly said in the above listed facts that it is important for parents to teach their children to express their feelings. Understanding a child's emotional intelligence is the first step in doing so.
    Emotional Intelligence is the ability to manage one's emotions in a healthy and productive manner. It helps in developing emotional self-awareness. It also deals with self motivation, encourages empathy, and other social skills.

    Emotional intelligence is important for a child not only to understand himself, but also helps understand the feelings and emotions of others.
    A child with a high emotional quotient will become more responsible and respectful. Developing a child's emotional quotient starts with teaching him to understand his feelings. One way to do this is to describe your own feelings to your child, helping your child to classify feelings.

    A must read article for parents and teachers to understand and deal with their child's Emotional Development.

  2. As always a great learning from article. This learning also helps in educating parents.

  3. By reading the article it always upgrade our knowledge and helps in educating parent's as well as people around us.

  4. Well said by ma'am - 'Parents and teachers need to help children be aware of different emotional states, both, in themselves and in people around them.' Parents are aware about child's IQ but needed guidance on emotional development of child. This article is very informative for every parent.

  5. Well said by ma'am - 'Parents and teachers need to help children be aware of different emotional states, both, in themselves and in people around them.' Parents are aware about child's IQ but needed guidance on emotional development of child. This article is very informative for every parent.

  6. Emotion development is the ability to laugh, cry ,feel and also ability of knowing to express emotions . You have mentioned beautifully 10 ways to develop Kids emotional intelligence & Erik Erikson 7 stages of emotional development should be kept in mind by all early childhood caregivers.

  7. I hope more and more parents / teachers really check themselves constantly and follow this advice given in article ; it make a world of difference with these upcoming generations! I think it also helps me be more attentive, and it's great practice for all of us to be aware and communicate more respectively :) with our kids .

  8. Once again a wonderful article by ma'am.We need to upgrade ourselves,our teachers and parents about the stages of emotional development.We should help to bring about positive traits in the child's emotional development.

  9. A wonderful article shared by ma'am. We really need to upgrade ourselves, teachers and parents for the better development of our child's emotional intelligence. Thank you ma'am.

  10. Thank you madam for sharing this wonderful article. We have learnt how to guide Parents and teachers to be aware about different emotional states of children.

  11. Wonderful article shared which gives the guidance of 10 different ways to take care of the child's emotional development and how to communicate with them. As parents and as teachers also. Very informative article.

  12. It is very much true that parents are more conscious about child's IQ then EQ.It has become necessary to educate parents and teachers,to help different emotional states of the children.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It's important for the parents, teachers or the care takers of the child should understand the importance of the emotional development. As it's practically seen at present generation is totally involved themselves in the cartoon characters,movie negative roles...all these visualizers are acting a violence role in child's mind. As an adult we have to understand and make the child understand the emotional situations through identifying the feelings and help child to deal with the emotions, We need to talk and discuss about the emotions ,teach them to channelize the situations. we need to understand the needs of the child and support them to give a safe guard their emotions.

  15. There is so much emotion that is welled inside these tiny tots and the practice initiated by Swati Ma'am encouraging young students to simply pick up a crayon and vent out their emotions through art has often left me stumped.... The drawings presented by the children supported by their deep detailed explanations has made me often sit up and question the world around us and the quality of the legacy we are leaving behind.... Undoubtedly we as adults are largely to blame for the emotional distress and violence we are providing in daily doses to our children.. Diana Tyagi

  16. 10 ways to develop your kids emotional intelligence best article it is a new learning to the parents who find their kids difficult and compare with others kids. This knowledge will really help, thanks for this wonderful and informative article.

  17. Thank you ma'am for sharing wonderful article this teaches us to be more attentive towards children.

  18. Best 10 ways to develop your kids emotional intelligence really will make understand those parents who find their child difficult thanks for the wonderful article .
