Thursday, 2 October 2014

Navratan for a Swacch India

He gave us independence. What did we give him? Our respected Prime Minister wants to gift the Mahatma a clean India and we at Podar Jumbo Kids support this idea and are participating with 18000 children 36,000 parents and grandparents in this mission starting from 2nd October 2014.
BAPUKENAVRATAN FOR A SWACCH INDIA is our event to flag off this mission. 9 ways in which children can be taught and inspired to be clean, think clean and make cleanliness a part of their every day life.
The early years are the foundational years for the development of intelligence in children and children best learn when exposed to holistic development. So we chose the nine intelligences to teach kids about being clean and the importance of cleanliness. So join us on the 2nd of October to see how are kids and parents learn about cleanliness in 9 different ways. 9 inspirations for a SWACCH INDIA, lets start early, lets start young. 

1.     Verbal/Linguistic (“Word smart”) learners have the ability to use words effectively. Children learn to use  words and pictures to describe cleanliness activities and words and sentences that signify cleanliness and ways to clean, both personal and surroundings.
Clean,dirty, Scrub, brush, mop, dust, smell, wipe etc. as per their age they will recognize pictures, learn words or learn to make sentences with the words.
2.     Logical/mathematical (“Number/reasoning smart”) learners have the ability to use numbers effectively.  Children will identify the different steps and stages of cleanliness both personal and surroundings. So they will play card games in which they will identify the steps to follow.
3.     Visual/Spatial (“Picture smart”) learners create pictures in their mind to retain information.  Children will draw about their vision for cleanliness. What does cleanliness mean to them. Art helps children express and we can learn a lot about their thinking and ideas through drawings.
4.     Bodily/Kinesthetic (“Body smart”) learners exhibit skillful use of their hands and/or exceptional control over their body movements that may be used to express ideas.  Children will participate with their parents and use the broom and mop to clean their surroundings like classroom, outdoor are. Children will understand how full body movements are involved in different aspects of cleanliness.
5.     Musical/Rhythmic (“Music smart”) learners have the ability to appreciate and produce music. They think in terms of rhythms and patterns.  Children will sing rhymes and songs about cleanliness especially our new version of Twinkle Twinkle little star, lets clean up where we are.
6.     Interpersonal (“People smart”) learners relate well to others. They are empathic, organized, and skilled at eliciting individual and group cooperation.  Children will play games in which to identify what areas of cleanliness require a group effort and what areas can be done individually
7.     Intrapersonal (“Self smart”) learners have a desire to reflect and evaluate their inner self. Children will be taught about brushing, bathing and using the dustbin as part of individual responsibility activities for cleanliness
8.     Naturalist (“Nature smart”) learners exhibit a strong early interest in artifacts, animals, planets, and minerals.  Children will go out in nature, on the road, in the garden and clean the area of rubbish and also suggest to people to use dustbins.
9.     Spiritual ( “Soul smart”) – they will watch a muppet show about ‘Dumpy the Dustbin” will teach them about values of cleanliness and how a dustbin wants them to learn about cleanliness.


  1. Very truly said ma'am and we will definitely bring a change and give this gift to gandhi ji by making India a swach bharat jai hind jai bharat.

  2. It is high time that we start inculcating the values of cleanliness and saving resources to the Gen Next or they will be left with nothing...Rightly presented event and Positively appreciated was well liked by the parents.

  3. Swacch India will be a great tribute to Gandhiji. Being a teacher/parent we need to take initiative to teach our kids.These Navratna are best example for same. Its time to lead the change.

    "Be the change, if you want to see the change" - Gandhiji

    - by Neha Khanvani

  4. Its time that we all should start implementing the values of cleanliness and saving resources for our future generation. We should try to bring the change and make India a 'swach bharat'

  5. Poor sanitation is thought to be a major cause of enteric infections among young children. And this is the time to wake up for society and we as a parent and school . A blog has 9 inspirations for a SWACCH INDIA, let us all start it and began form our own home by inculcating the values for Swacch India will be a great tribute to Gandhiji .

  6. A very good effort being made by our PM.As a educationist, it is high time we take the initiative to engrave the concept of cleanliness in children's tender minds.
    I would like to suggest an activity- let's guide children to make a trash bag each month from old news paper and teach them to use it in their parents cars or bikes, so that at least one initiative of keeping the roads litter free will be done.

  7. India and Indians have always dreamt for a swacch country and swacch people in terms of their thinking and acts. The connection between swacch India and navratna for swacch India theme in which the jumbo kids children were exposed to will go a long way in ensuring future leaders with sound values and a swacch country.

  8. This will be an excellent initiative to inculcate values of cleanliness among the present and the future generation. Navratna for Swach India will definitely bring a change.Children along with the parent should be explained and engraved in there minds the concept of 3 R's- Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.And this cleanliness practice should definitely began from home till society and school.

  9. This is the right age to inculcate good values.Our children can bring the change for "Swacch India"

  10. We should respect Father of our Nation by making India as Swach Bharat. The nine intelligence to teach kids about being clean and the importance of cleanliness is really inspiring given by ma'am. It will be a real tribute to Gandhiji if India becomes Swach Bharat.

  11. The good efforts made by our PM of Swacch Bharat.Lets take an initiative through these Navratnas to teach the society the importance of cleanliness and to save the resources for future generation.Let us inspire for Swacch Bharat and gave great tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.

  12. As we are following 9 Intelligence at Kiducation. Which play an important role in holistic development of the children. So this is the right time to inculcate the values of cleanliness by 9 different ways. Being a teacher/parent we need to take initiative to teach our kids.These Navratna are best example for same. Its time to bring the change.

  13. Wonderfully used 9 intelligence in the article. Our PM has shared best thought which really each one inculcate this habbit in young one's,elders we will be have our future as Swacch India.We will try from our side we will try our best to keep our surrounding and ask others too.This will surely be a gift to Mahatma and best example for future for our next generation .

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The early years are the fundamental years for the development of nine intelligence in children. And this is the right time when they can learn about cleanliness and good values.

  16. We follow 9-intelligence and kids have opportunities to use all intelligences and really "Swacch Bharat Abhiyan"will realy a great tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and our nation by supporting these 9 Anmol Navratna.

  17. India is famous for many things in the world eg- culture, traditional values ,largest democracy at the same time India is always considered as lack of cleanliness, basic amenities like toilets.
    'Navaratna for a swacch bharat is a tribute to Gandhiji's dream for clean India.A initiative By Podar jumbo kids to Teach children about right thing at right age along with Activities based on nine intelligence.Spread this message for Swaach India to all

  18. Its need of an hour Swacch India will be a great tribute to Gandhiji. As a teacher we need to take initiative to teach our kids.These Navratna are best example for same. Its time to lead the change.

    Thanks !

  19. This is the right age when children can be taught and inspired about cleanliness in 9 different ways.These 9 ways of teaching children about cleanliness will definetely bring change in keeping our India swacch.We as a parent and a teacher need to inculcate good values in our children to bring change in keeping our surroundings clean.

  20. This is the right age when we can inculcate good habits in children and as an adult and educationist we must take initiative to teach this good habits to our kids.

  21. Learning happens at every step of life is beautifully highlighted by Ma'am by explaining how the Swachh Bharat can be gifted to Bapu through Kiducation system to the next generation which taps each of the nine intelligences. Wonderful explanation Ma'am...

  22. Thank you ma`am for these 9 inspirations for a SWACCH INDIA,this is the right time to start for change in young children. Everyone should have to keep in mind about 3 R`s which can be helpful to make the change.

  23. Its true Ma'am , it is the right time to make a revolution by guiding our kids and parents with the 9 intelligence which we follow in our kiducation . It play an important role in holistic development of the children.Swach bharat will be great tribute to Gandhihi.Its time to lead generation next.

  24. Swachh Bharat will be our gift to Bapuji. Our Prime minister has taken this initiative with the basic approach of "cleanliness begins from your home". We can pass it on to the future generation through the Kiducation which caters to the Nine Inteligences.

  25. It is an excellent effort made by our PM for "Swacch bharat".Now it's our duty to take initiative & implement the 9 ways of cleanliness & inculcate in our kids.
    Thank you ma`am for wonderful article.

  26. As cleanliness is basic requirement for a hale and healthy living.This will be the right way to imbibe habit of cleanliness among upcoming generation.Thank you ma'am

  27. Swaach India can be gifted to by stating that our children to be words smart,number smart,pictures smart, body smart, music smart , self smart, nature smart , soul smart which stands 9 intelligence in this article.

  28. The strongest skills of many children lie in these six areas, include visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, naturalist and intrapersonal intelligence, which are frequently undervalued in some traditional schools and often focus on a narrow range of intelligence that involves primarily verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical skills. A general saying –“A smartly dressed person with clean habits creates an impression on others. It usually reflects a clean character also”. From self to society we need to aim for clean environment.

  29. Gandhiji had a dream. He said ‘safai’ is God’s work; we should aim for a Swach Bharat.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. As it is rightly said "What we sow, so shall we reap" likewise if we will sow the seeds of inculcating importance of cleanliness right from childhood then children will grow up to be responsible citizens, there by making the dream come true of "Swacch bharat, sundar bharat"

  32. In Jumbo Kids, we are following 9 Intelligence at Kiducation. Through Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan, we can teach our children importance of cleanliness. It will be a great tribute to Mahatma Gandhiji.

  33. Very well said Swati Ma'am. It is very important to inculcate importance of cleanliness at early age. Children should daily devort some time from their routine life and clean their surrounding. This will also help them in their holistic development.

  34. The early years are the foundational years for the development of intelligence in children and the Swacch Bharat abhiyan through nine intelligences of teaching kids about being clean and the importance of cleanliness will be a great tribute to Gandhiji.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Respected Mam,

    We had a good learning from this 2nd october that we need to keep our city clean and surrounding clean with this initiative on respected PM of India and ensure that with this project we had fulfilled social responsibility and as we know that children learn from imitation and we are taking step towards clean india .

    Thank you very much for such a valuable blog .

  37. It is very innovative and something new where we can Participates in Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan, we Can inculcate the importance of cleanliness by using 9 Intelligence which will really works in early years. and yes here we are ready to bring out the change about the cleanliness.

  38. Our country is truly in need of a ‘clean-up’ and its best to start with generation next! Ma’am, we assure your of our continued support to keep our surroundings and our premises clean and hygienic.

  39. Wonderful article. 9 ways in which children can be taught and inspired to be clean, think clean and make cleanliness a part of their every day life.9 inspirations for a SWACCH INDIA

  40. Swach bharat will be true tribute to Gandhiji.We as an human being should start cleanliness from our house surrounding & than society.

  41. ts time that we all should start implementing the values of cleanliness and saving resources for our future generation. We should try to bring the change and make India a 'swach bharat'

  42. ts time that we all should start implementing the values of cleanliness and saving resources for our future generation. We should try to bring the change and make India a 'swach bharat'

  43. very truly said Ma'am , we will definitely work on to make India a "
    "Swach Bharat".

  44. As it is truly said “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided” if we are one with same mission we will make a day.JAI HIND JAI BHARAT

  45. Swacch India will be a great tribute to our Father of the Nation. We must not forget that "Cleanliness is next to Godliness".It is our responsibility and duty to inculcate good values in our children to bring change in keeping our environment clean and healthy.

  46. If all Indians will learn and follow the steps of Cleanliness in 9 different ways ,very soon we all Indians will proudly say Mera India Swacch India...

  47. This navratna's if implemented in right time will help the future generation to have a swacch bharat. Share it as much as you can.

  48. It is very important to inculcate the habit of cleanliness in the children and using the 9 inspiration mentioned in the blog it will really easy to make kids learn about cleanliness.
