Thursday, 27 August 2015

Is your child attending a Quality Kindergarten Program?

98% of our brains develop in the first five years, so children need Quality Kindergarten Programs. Programs that invest in materials, teacher training, curriculum, safety, hygiene and care. Let us support Quality Kindergartens in their work of nurturing young children; after all they are our future citizens. Let us educate parents to choose Quality Kindergarten Programs that nurture and not those that pressurize children with ‘too much, too soon’.
Check if your Kindergarten is a Quality Kindergarten Program with the 10 points given below-

Why should we support quality Kindergartens? Why should we send children to quality Kindergartens?

1.     If children are attending quality Kindergarten programs then drop out rate at the primary and secondary school level goes down. Because of…
·         Visually appealing learning spaces
·         Relevant displays
·         Interactive toys
·         Child centered environment
·         Trained teachers
·         Developmentally appropriate curriculum
2.     Children who attend quality Kindergartens adjust easily in primary school, Smooth transition from home to formal schooling. Because of…
·         Readiness activities in writing, reading, math
·         On going assessment linked to developmental objectives
·         Parent partnership(education and training)
·         Enhancing  the executive functions of the brain
·         Helping them to adapt to a daily routine
·         Nurturing their independent skills
3.     Children in quality Kindergarten programs learn to give language to their emotions so they can handle their emotions and handle others emotions thus leading to fewer behavioral problems in later life. Because they learn to…
·         Express their feelings
·         Label emotions
·         Recognize and Understand others emotions
·         Conflict resolution skills
·         Self regulation
·         Impulse control
4.     Since we have nuclear families and fewer children at home, a quality Kindergarten program gives them opportunity to work with small and large group of children and many adults and thus they are able to relate to different age groups. This helps them adjust in socialization process. So they are able to...
·         Share
·         Making friend
·         Co-operate
·         Learn to adjust in different situations
·         Follow simple rules
·         Learn to follow instructions
5.     Children who don’t attend quality Kindergarten programs have an average vocabulary of 3000 words by age 3 whereas children who attend preschools have the benefit of extending their vocabulary to almost ten times more. Through activities like…
·         Reading stories to children
·         Songs and rhymes
·         Picture and object talk
·         Socio-dramatic play
·         Free conversation
·         Listening
6.     98% of the brain develops in the first five years and quality Kindergarten experiences help children enhance their thinking, reasoning, problem solving, generalizations, estimation skills through…
·         Puzzles and mazes
·         Manipulative toys
·         Problem solving situations
·         Concept formation
·         Comparison
·         Estimation

7.     Children who attend quality Kindergartens have exposure to more creative activities that enhance unique and different ways of thinking. Through activities like…
·         Art and craft- painting and printing
·         Drawing
·         Clay and dough
·         Dance and drama
·         Messy activities
·         Cooking
8.     Gross motor activities in quality Kindergartens help children develop their muscles, and help them in developing posture, balance, stamina. Through activities like…
·         Climbing
·         Running
·         Jumping
·         Balancing
·         Hopping
·         Catching and throwing
9.     Fine motor activities in quality Kindergartens help children develop eye hand coordination skills, coordination between finer muscles that help them later on with future activities like writing. Through activities like…
·         Threading
·         Sorting
·         Doodling and Scribbling
·         Scissoring
·         Peg puzzles
·         Finger activities( holding, dropping, closing, opening)
10.  When children attend quality Kindergartens their parents learn about developmental milestones and positive parenting techniques. Through activities like…
·         Parenting sessions
·         Open house
·         Events
·         Books and articles
·         Guiding and mentoring parents.
·         Educating through displays

Early Childhood Association


  1. This blog is a perfect guide to parents who are looking for the right Kindergarten for their child. In fact it is an eye opener for them as many may not be aware of the harmful effect their choice could have on their child. There's so much more than just the 3 R's, viz. Reading , 'Riting & 'Rithmetic and it's our responsibility to ensure that every child has the opportunity to quality education.

  2. Thank you Swati Maam for sharing your views regarding quality kindergarten program. It is really very important to support quality kindergarten. Very rightly said that initial five years are very crucial as 98% of the brain develops during that period. Parents as well as teachers must know how important it is to learn about developmental milestones, and only a quality kindergarten can provide a developmentally appropriate curriculum.

  3. I am Mittal Gada trainee teacher at PJK Plus Vile Parle. I would like to thank you ma'am for sharing such a important blog with us. Your blogs really help us alot.

  4. I Miss Tanvi Mody teacher of PJK Plus Vile Parle will like to thank you ma'am for sharing this blog with us.Indeed quality kindergarten helps a child to develop in a better way.

  5. I Kalpita Bhirud teacher at PJK Plus Vile Parle, thank you ma'am for sharing and making us aware of the quality kindergarten program. It is important for all to know and support it for our little ones.

  6. I Ms. Janice Gomes teacher at PJK Plus Vile Parle, thank you ma'am for sharing such a wonderful blog and making us aware of the importance of a quality kindergarten for the kids as first five years are the development stage where 98% brain of a child gets develop.

  7. Importance of a quality kindergarten for kids is undoubtedly the best guide lines to understand the multiple benefits a child can achieve when parent chooses right quality Kindergarten program and most important how child can easily cope up well in primary section studies and routine.
    Let's all strive to maintain and uphold that quality at PJk under your guidance.

  8. I Ms. Poonam Borade teacher of PJK Plus Vile Parle thank you ma'am for sharing with us the importance of quality kindergarten program.Its very helpful for the development of our kids

  9. I Ms.Leela Chamaria teacher of PJK Plus Vile Parle would like to thank you maam for sharing this wonderful blog as by reading this blog many future parents will be able to give their kids a quality kindergarten.

  10. Thank you mam for sharing such a nice article. It is always an owner to read your blog where we all get valuable and quality information about kids development. I am very proud for being a part of podar family and learn various things under your guidance.
    Shubhi Chhabra,
    Teacher of PJK Wagholi,

  11. Thanks a lot for sharing information and bringing more awareness. The information will definitely improve our skill as a teacher and as a mother.

    Thanks and regards
    Priya Chavan
    PJK Wagholi

  12. Swati mam rightly mentioned the importance of quality kindergarten. It's common belief that only higher is important part of your education. This blog states that the base of successful education and then career is guidance kids get at kindergarten.
    Rashmi Bhoyar.
    Trainee teacher,
    PJK, Wagholi, Pune

  13. Swati mam rightly mentioned the importance of quality kindergarten. It's common belief that only higher is important part of your education. This blog states that the base of successful education and then career is guidance kids get at kindergarten.
    Rashmi Bhoyar.
    Trainee teacher,
    PJK, Wagholi, Pune

  14. Swati mam rightly mentioned the importance of quality kindergarten. It's common belief that only higher is important part of your education. This blog states that the base of successful education and then career is guidance kids get at kindergarten.
    Rashmi Bhoyar.
    Trainee teacher,
    PJK, Wagholi, Pune

  15. Swati mam rightly mentioned the importance of quality kindergarten. It's common belief that only higher is important part of your education. This blog states that the base of successful education and then career is guidance kids get at kindergarten.
    Rashmi Bhoyar.
    Trainee teacher,
    PJK, Wagholi, Pune

  16. I Ms, Neetu Gupta PJK Wagholi, Thank you ma'am for sharing this blog of quality Kindergarten. It is very beneficial for our kids and it is very important to make the parents aware of early stages of brain development .

  17. I Ms, Neetu Gupta PJK Wagholi, Thank you ma'am for sharing this blog of quality Kindergarten. It is very beneficial for our kids and it is very important to make the parents aware of early stages of brain development .

  18. I Ms. Ramola Menezes teacher at PJK Plus Vile Parle would like to thank you Ma'am for making parents and teachers understand the importance of quality kindergarten program.

  19. I Ms. Neeta N. Chopada PJK Wagholi, Thank you madam for sharing this blog of quality Kindergarten. It is very beneficial for our little jumbos and it is very important to make the parents aware of early stages of brain development .

  20. Thank you ma'am for sharing the wonderful article for all new moms who must be struggling to understand how to select a right kindergarten for their also very simply explains the importance of the different activities which are crucial and important for every child's early years brain development. This information will also help the teachers to understand the importance of age wise activities.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I Ms. Shradha Amanda of PJK Wagholi. Thank you Maam for sharing such a informative blog about importance of quality education at kindergarten. It is very important for parents to know about it as it is early stages of brain development .

  22. I'm Ms . Meera Sajish assistant teacher of PJK Wagholi. Its a pleasure to read your blogs mam. This blog is very helpful to parents as well as teachers also to know about the importance of education at kindergarten. When the foundation stage of a child is strong, his future will always be bright. So it is very important that the parents should be aware of the early stages of brain development and how kindergarten plays an important part in
    the early stages of brain development. Thank you mam for sharing such a great and informative blog with us.

  23. It is very important that parents are aware that a child's 98% growth of the brain takes place in the first five years of life and it is a big responsibility on the parents to choose the right kindergarten which provides quality programme helping the children nurture to their fullest. Thank you Ma'am for sharing an in depth description on what points a parent or an educator can look up-to while choosing a Quality Kindergarten.

  24. This blog provided a road map to parents how to choose a quality kindergarten for their kids.Very informative blog.

  25. This blog gives perfect guidelines for the parents to choose the quality kindergarten for their young brains.As 98% of brain development happens in first 6 years it is important for parents and also teachers to give quality learning environment for children.

  26. Thank you Madam for sharing the need of Quality kindergarten. I believe there is a need to also create awareness among the parents for quality kindergarten, as well as educate them about the quality in upbringing their kids. Parents and kids need to participate in learning about quality values and good conduct, and practice living by good values. We all educationist need to be aware of these we can also understand the importance of the foundation stage and the 98% of brain development of a child when they are coming to us at our kindergarten to nuture them with the above mention qualities.

  27. Best
    One more addition of the detailed article good guidance and wonderful information.Really after reading we have gained knowledge now it shows how much responsible we should be will definately share with all new and old mothers so all can know about and share amoung thank you for always giving guidance .

  28. A brief guide to any parent who are hunting for a quality preschool for their child. It's nothing more than "Kiducation infused with EYFS" redefined. Holistic development of a child happens in a positive environment where complete freedom is given to the child. The author's blog minutely describes whatall a parent should observe when they visit a preschool for their child.

  29. Very nice article Swati Maam. Have heard you during induction programs at Bhaidas hall and always liked the approach which Podar has. My son goes to PJK North Avenue and we are happy with the Podar philosophy and actions.

    Kepp up the good work.


  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Very informative article. Rightly said we need to support quality kindergartens for kids and also create an awareness about the same among all, so that kids will be in right hands during their initial years which will lead to a strong foundation of our future generation.

  32. Good information given Mam which is most important and required at the early stages of child . My son is Studying in PJK wagholi and i am totally satisfied with it . It emphasizes on children's overall growth rather than just a bookish learning without understanding the things around. A good kindergarten selection is most important for children's early stages.

    1. Children's 80 percent base is formed in the kindergarten itself. In rest part of his or life the child enhances his base and gives fruit accordingly. If the base will be good the fruit will be sweet else it will be sour. So we should be very careful while selecting kindergarten.

      With warm regards ,
      Mrs. Rana (A parent of PJK wagholi student)

      PJK Wagholi

  33. I RAJUL NISHAR a teacher from pjk plus vile parle would like to thank you for sharing this blog with us. As being a kindergarten teacher it is really important to know the importance of early 5 years of age kids. Ma'am your blog always helps us allot.
