Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Child Abuse – The Sounds of Silence

"Child abuse" can be defined as causing or permitting any harmful or offensive contact on a child's body; and, any communication or transaction of any kind which humiliates, shames, or frightens the child. It is an act or omission, which fails to nurture in the upbringing of the children at any age, sex, race, religion, and socioeconomic background. Children who are abused suffer greatly, and a society in which abuse takes place is considerably diminished. The African proverb, 'It takes a village to raise a child', epitomises the importance of the role of the wider community in raising children and young people.

For young children the three broad categories of child abuse are-
a.       Physical abuse
b.      Emotional abuse
c.       Sexual abuse
Physical abuse is very common in our country both in urban and rural areas. Spanking, hitting, pinching are an accepted method of disciplining young children both in schools and at home. In a recent article of the American college of Paediatricians there are guidelines to how and how much a parent should/can spank a child. This is a cause for worry as research shows that children who are spanked or physically abused learn to use violence as a means to solving all conflicts in life, they learn that ‘hitting’ is a form of showing love and tend to be more physically abusive in all their relationships. An article in Time magazine, ‘Should teachers be allowed to spank students?’ points out that there is little evidence that spanking actually works to change children's behaviour for the better. In fact, kids spanked tend to be more aggressive than other kids and are likelier to develop behavioural problems as they get older. It further says that some studies show that corporal punishment can even lower IQs. Teachers and parents both need to understand the negative long lasting effects of spanking and should be taught to use conflict resolution for behaviour management. In today’s world teachers and mothers need to be leaders and not bosses. In Piaget’s words they must work for the goal of ‘autonomy’ (intelligent and ethical decision making) rather than obedience. The community can play a huge role in bringing about this change. Regular reports about this in the media have helped to strengthen the laws and now teachers can be imprisoned if found to have spanked or hit or physically abused children. Teacher training colleges to include behaviour management as a subject in the curriculum so that teachers are trained about the different techniques that can be used in place of physical abuse for classroom discipline. Therapists, counsellors, paediatricians and schools can educate parents about the futility of trying to change children with physical abuse. As mahatma Gandhi says, ‘punishment never cures children, infact it hardens them further’.

The second kind of abuse that young children in our society are subjected to is emotional abuse, lack of love; nurturing and the growing trend of stressing children with high and unrealistic expectations of making them excel right from kindergarten years. The additional emotional stress on these young kids is multiplied many fold when they are interviewed for school admissions. The collective stress of preparing for the interview, facing a stranger and unreasonable pressure placed by parents, all tend to stress out the young growing brain. Brain research in recent years has proven that 98% of the brain develops in the first five years and important neuro chemicals required for brain growth are diminished when a child undergoes this kind of emotional stress leading to primitive reflex behaviours like fight and flight and thus aggravating the situation further leading to more reprimands from the parents and the vicious cycle never ends. Emotional abuse leaves lasting scars leading to unhealthy behaviour and personality traits which will impact the self esteem, confidence, language skills, cognitive skills and social skills of the child. Erik Erikson emotional development theory- the eight stages of mankind, clearly states that these children will develop mistrust, guilt, shame, inferiority complex which can even lead to isolation and despair. Community intervention for emotional abuse is more difficult but not impossible, gynaecologists should start distributing relevant material on brain development to expectant mothers so that in the nine months she can start to understand and relate to the needs of her growing child and this will then continue to be practised as she becomes a parent. Teachers in the early childhood programs can be trained to look for signs of emotional abuse in children so that they can identify it early and help the parents change their behaviour and expectations of the child. Television programs that make children compete even before they have gained confidence in themselves or developed their own personality is a worrying trend that needs to be stopped immediately.

The third worrying form of abuse that children are facing is the heinous crime of sexual abuse. This perversion in our society is growing day by day and the target of this is now little toddlers. Child sexual abuse must be one of the most heinous crimes committed against children. It is sad and disgusting because the kids do not even realize that a crime has been committed as child sexual abusers are usually adults that the child ‘trusts’. An emerging sickness in these offenders that had never been addressed when warning children about sexual abuse is that we are always warning kids about others touching them in their private parts, but we don’t warn them about others asking them to touch them (the abusers) in their private parts. This sick technique used by many offenders makes the child an innocent party to their sick sexual perverseness.

Yes, this country needs stringent laws to punish such criminals, but this country also needs to sensitise the parents, the teachers, the kids and the youth about taking care of their bodies and keeping them safe. Parents and teachers can work together and educate children of all ages about being safe and understanding about GOOD TOUCH- BAD TOUCH. It is never too early to talk to kids about body safety and in this case prevention is definitely better than cure. Prevention is possible if parents and teachers understand about keeping children safe from harm at all times.
Parents need to understand that children are too innocent to understand such acts. Parents and teachers both need to understand that sometimes in their ‘non stop chatter’, children may have important things to tell us, so don’t ignore them. And teachers and parents need to understand that children ‘talk’ through their drawings so listen and look for the clues.

The larger socio-economic system in which child and family are embedded can influence family functioning, child development and the availability of helping resources, such as universal child and health services, within communities and neighbourhoods. The importance of community is currently undergoing a resurgence of interest, with governments and the child welfare and family support sectors redesigning services to become more community-centred, and forging alliances with local communities to help improve the physical and social environment of communities. Child abuse prevention programs play an important role in crime prevention, because not only is abuse criminal activities, children who are abused are at greater risk of engaging in antisocial and criminal behaviour later in life. The community based program should focus on ensuring the safety and well-being of children, creating stable living environments, establishing a permanent residence for each child, and creating a community-based support system. This could be accomplished by medical exams; psychosocial support; education; advocacy; consultation. The key community-level factors that are likely to be related to child maltreatment, such as poverty, neighbourhood, culture and parenting practices, apply more to physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect than to the sexual abuse of children. Community-level approaches, particularly those designed to create healthy communities, focus on the forms of maltreatment that can be remedied or prevented by the use of social support or parent education via the promotion of 'positive parenting' strategies. Such strategies are not designed to prevent child abuse. The application of holistic or community-based approaches to the prevention of child abuse is limited to primary-level community education of parents and the education of school-aged children to teach them the means of avoiding or seeking assistance with unwanted sexual or physical advances. Personal safety programs have the aim of educating children to protect themselves from sexual abuse. The programs attempt to involve the children's parents in order to raise community awareness of child abuse and to teach parenting skills related to protecting children and detecting signs of abuse. Protective Behaviours programs focus on teaching children to avoid a wide range of potentially unsafe situations, only some of which involve child maltreatment. Effective child abuse prevention requires a truly holistic approach where risk and resiliency continue to be acknowledged as inter-related and solutions are developed to address the former and to promote the latter.

Community based intervention is now increasingly more important as children are being brought up mostly by strangers. The breakup of the joint family system and increasing economic burden has meant that both parents are out seeking financial resources for survival and leaving the every important job of nurturing and care of their children in the hands of crèches, daycares, pre schools, ayahs, etc. Children these days come more and more in contact with strangers which was never the case before. The young child in the family was always the most protected and taken care of by some or the other family member. Today sadly these kids because of their exposure and dependence on care by strangers are also becoming victims of child abuse of all three kinds. Untrained staff, unhealthy practises, lack of adult child ratio in their care is all leading to children’s needs being sidelined and taken care of by one or the other kind of abuse.
It’s time to change that, it’s time for a community conscience to be built, a conscience that will be alert to the needs of the young child. It is said that ‘the child is the father of the man’, rightly so as these young children will grow up to be the youth and driving force of this country. If they are abused then they will grow up as fractured youth that will diminish the community and societal strength of our country. A community conscience will help us all become alert to the needs of kids and especially help us be alert about child abuse so that the necessary action can be taken in time before it destroys the very fabric of our community.

Community conscience can be a four pronged approach wherein neighbours, teachers, parents, media and policy makers become alert about abuse and ensure that it is reported, prevented and remedied with intervention and stringent laws, laws that would favour the child and not the offender. It’s time to bring abuse out of our homes as this is the first place where physical and emotional abuse to children starts. Children do not have the voice or the language development to make a case for themselves and that is why we are unable to hear their sounds of silence. Community based interventions like educating parents and teachers using radio programs, documentaries, articles in local newspapers, messages during television soaps will all ensure that we are able to prevent abuse so that intervention happens before the abuse and not after. Another major area of concern is juvenile homes, remedial homes and processes that these victim go through as sometimes these very places add to the abuse instead of being the solution they aggravate the problem. This happens due to lack of resources, lack of training and insensitive handling of children. With community intervention that is conscience based which means we make training, prevention, advocacy a part of our collective community conscience we will be able to ensure that their voice is heard and touch never becomes trouble in any child’s life. It’s time to make the village rise so that the sounds we hear are not of silent suffering but that of happy, healthy, nurtured children. 


  1. Truly Ma'am, Child abuse - The sound of Silence is indeed a perfect way to describe it all as Child Abuse is not only in terms of physical or sexual abuse but also emotional abuse which most of the times is unnoticed by us. Not all children are sexually abused but most of the children are emotionally and physically tortured for which we as adults need to be vigilant about the people around our children and make our kids aware about the wrong things and empower them to be stronger to voice out when required.

  2. Very true Ma'am child abuse does not mean just physical or sexual abuse, knowingly or unknowingly we are hurting the child's feelings, their emotions, because most of the time I have found children getting abused by the way adults talk to them in our surroundings, it hurts Ma'am, but sometimes we find ourselves helpless, we cannot do anything though we know its wrong.

  3. True ma'am child abuse will definitely hamper the development of the child and In this busy life most of the parents unknowingly hurts the children by their talk and actions. it really affects their mind instead of this the parents should have little patience and can make them understand about wrong things and guide them in a right path

  4. Article is really extraordinary as it is based on most sensitive topic of today.
    Every word and every line has depth. It should be circulated as a circular to all Pjk parents across as it is need of an hour.
    In Podar jumbo kids we are educating children and parents through good touch bad touch.
    Awareness is very important for this sensitive issue.
    It is important to recognise that while people from different backgrounds have different expectations about what is acceptable behaviour in children, sexual abuse happens across all races and cultures.
    Let's spread this message around us and protect our future generation from this crime.

  5. I Miss Tanvi Mody teacher of PJK Plus Vile Parle would like to thank you ma'am for sharing such an important blog with us. Its really important to make teachers and parents aware about problems children goes through due to child abuse.

  6. I miss Rajul Nishar a teacher from pjk plus vile parle would like to thank you for sharing this important blog with us. It's really important to make kids understand the good touch and the bad touch.

  7. Very nice information and rightly presented in detailed manner. This society should be made aware of it as how it could impact child in what manner. Its lessen for all of us to act nicely and share as much as information to the all society and in all class. Appreciate your initiative in writing this blog and spreading awareness. Great one.

  8. Thank you madam for sharing such an informative blog. Yes, as a part of society & being a parent & teacher we all need to be well aware about the child's up bringing and their safety,security and growth.The three important categories are very important for us to know and learn in our daily routine.I do agree that the mothers' must be trained on the child's brain development as this will help both mother & child to have great bonding & nurturing. To lead in each profession we have the set degrees & certified courses,but its sad to share that we don't have any degree or course to become good mom & dad. So, I salute you and thank you for being our parental guru as well as the best educationist in the early childhood education.

  9. Thanks mam for sharing this article. In older generations, child abuse was neglected and rarely identified. Thanks to efforts of experts like you, these days kids are also taught to identify abusive things like bad touch.
    PIE student
    PJK, wagholi, Pune

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  13. I Ms.Gayatri Devi teacher of Podar Jumbo Kids, Wagholi would like to thank you for providing awareness on the sensitive issues of child abuse through this blog madam. It's time to come forward each one of us to pledge ourselves to play our role in making sure all children are raised in safe. Thank you once again for sharing this important blog.

  14. My self Pallavi Sarode, teacher educator & parent of PJK wagholi. Really a best article on child abusment. I like your idea to add this topic in teacher educator syllabus. Really It's a need of our society. I also like your video Good Touch Bad Touch. Really a informative video.

  15. I ms Nita Chopada,teacher at Podar jumbo kids Wagholi would like to say thank you for sharing such a important will be helpful for us as a teacher and as a parent also for maintaining behaviour management.As the child abuse me not is a big issue today,it will really help us for the safety of children.

  16. I Mrs Viraj Prajapati parents of PJK Wagholi students would like to thank you ma'am for sharing such an important blog with us. It's really important to make us aware about problems children goes through due to child abuse .Appreciate your initiative in writing this blog and spreading awareness.Great job. Once again thank you.

  17. I Mrs Viraj Prajapati parents of PJK Wagholi students would like to thank you ma'am for sharing such an important blog with us. It's really important to make us aware about problems children goes through due to child abuse .Appreciate your initiative in writing this blog and spreading awareness.Great job. Once again thank you.

  18. A very informative and required article.very rightly said first we need to bring abuse out form our homes its a very common practice where parents feel it ok to spank the child to discipline him, many times knowingly or unknowingly children are emotionally abuse which have a long lasting effect on their emotional development in their growing years. as a Parent, educator its must to intervene at right time and create awareness about the same. Thank you ma'am for sharing the very informative article.

  19. This is most sensitive topic in current days & we are happy that PJK, Wagholi is taking initiative to spread awareness about this.
    Thanks to Swati mam for sharing informative articles with us.
    ~Ashwini Shinde (Parent of PJK, Wagholi Student)

  20. It is very important to know that child is not only sexually abused, but physical and emotional abuse are also important categories of child abuse. As a parent and a teacher we have to think that it is very important and sensitive thing that the child is facing today. Thank you Mam for sharing such a informative article which create awareness on a very sensitive topic.

  21. Very informative blog mam..thnx for sharing with us.
    Megha Panchal (parent of Pjk wagholi)

  22. This artical is really extraordinary child abuse will definitely hamper child development and its really affect their mind awareness is very important for this sensitive issue thank you neena mam (pjk wagoli )sharing such an informative blog (parents of pjk wagoli )

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Very important infomation given in this blog maam. Thnx for sharing.

    ruchi seth( Parents pjk wagholi)

  25. It is very important that both the parents need to understand these 3 kinds of abuses. unknowingly many parents abuse physically by hitting the child and also give negative feedback when they are at the pick of development. As community, school, teacher and a human being we need to be very vigilant to stop the sexual abuse happening in our surroundings. Parents need to be very careful while sending child to the day care, they should check who and how people handle the children. Our awareness will help to protect our children. A mentally healthy child will do best in life.

  26. This article will definitely, inspire the parents as well as the educators to stand up against the Child Abuse and win the battle against it.

    More importantly Child Sexual Abuse is an uncomfortable topic. But far worse, it is a very real danger.A large percentage of childhood molestation goes unreported silently scarring a child for life. It is really very great of you, Madam, for bringing this issue up to the revolutionary level so boldly and that , too, in a very effective manner.

  27. Child abuse is rampant all over the world and we need to do our bit to ensure that it is curbed. The best way is to educate the children who are the future generation. They not only need to be aware of their rights but also of ways to bring violation of these rights to the notice of their parents and/or the adults looking after them. At PJK we have all the resources like Good touch bad touch videos, book titled 'Are you unknowingly harming your child?' & 'The secret touch' and many more. Optimum use of such resources & spreading awareness, both among children as well as adults, will go a long way in ensuring the only sound we hear will be the soothing one's of nature and the gurgling laughter of happy, well adjusted and emotionally, physically and mentally secure children.

  28. Today, the newspapers and T.V. channel's are full of reports about child abuse.It has become very important to recognize the actual risks and familiarize ourselves with the signs of abuse. The video on Good touch ,Bad touch was really informative for kids.I was just overwhelmed to see that my child was able to speak about good and bad touch at such an early age after he had seen the video at school.
    Sunitha Jadhav

  29. I mother teacher @PJK Baramati would like to thank mam specially for sharing how abuse affect children, adolescents, adult survivors, and society.
    For the safety of all our children. We always try for prevention through awareness like conducting puppet shows, gtbt, suraksha event.
    As every child has a right to a safe childhood and a life free from violence.
    The goals of prevention are to ensure a positive and safe environment so that physical and sexual abuse don't occur and to help children and young adolescents make informed decisions about their health.

  30. Thank you Mam for sharing information for an important issue of our society... my son studies in PJK Wagholi and i feel him secured there as he knows good touch , bad touch .... it is very well taught in school in a nice way which i never tried to teach him ..... every child should know these all to reduce the risk of child abuse ..... i fully agree with you mam.

    Thank you ,
    Mrs. Rana
    Mother of Sparsh Rana
    PJK wagholi

  31. This is really very informative Ma'am

    Rajani Varshney
    PJK Khar Mumbai

  32. I Ms.preeti mathe teacher of Podar Jumbo Kids, Wagholi would like to thank you for providing awareness on the sensitive issues of child abuse through. Now the time have come to step forward and pledge ourselves to play our role in making sure all children are raised in safe. this important blog and will help use to take care of children. thank you madam.

  33. I Ms. Manisha Dhingra teacher of Pjk Wagholi thanku Ma'am for sharing such a important blog with us. It is always an owner to read your blog where we get valuable and quality information about kids. It is very important for parents as well as for teachers to aware about this sensitive issue. So, we can save our kids from the 3 kinds of abuses. Once again thank you for sharing this blog with us.

  34. Once again thank u ma'am for sharing important information with us. This blog is a must read for all parents and teachers in our country as most of India's population is still lives either in poverty or in villages where people do not have access to information and community based guidance program related to child abuse. Apart from this, in Urban India also,children spend most of their time with other than parents despite of the awareness on child abuse. Nowadays ,life of children has become more prone to unnecessary stress and abuse which shows that our education and social infrastructure is inefficient and ineffective to handle this due to various reasons ,explained in the blog. But it is never late, as the initiatives taken by Podar Jumbo Kids is very important step to create awareness about the child abuse among children and parents.
    Charu Gupta
    Podar Jumbo Kids , Wagholi

  35. Thanks mam for sharing this article. In older generations, child abuse was neglected and rarely identified. Thanks to efforts of experts like you, these days kids are also taught to identify abusive things like bad touch.
    PIE student
    PJK, wagholi, Pune

  36. I Ms. Rubina Khan teacher @ Podar Jumbo Kids, Nashik, would like to thank ma'am for sharing the very informative article on a very sensitive topic "child abuse". Apparently it seems very common topic, but, this article clarifies that it is important to know that child is not only sexually abused but the physical and emotional abuse are also the very effective categories, which are commonly neglected even by the parents.
    I am totally agree with the idea that mothers and teachers should get the training for the same. At PJK we are already spreading awareness about this by different means such as Good Touch Bad Touch videos and even books. As a responsible citizen we should do our part to curb this.

  37. I Ms. Rubina Khan teacher @ Podar Jumbo Kids, Nashik, would like to thank ma'am for sharing the very informative article on a very sensitive topic "child abuse". Apparently it seems very common topic, but, this article clarifies that it is important to know that child is not only sexually abused but the physical and emotional abuse are also the very effective categories, which are commonly neglected even by the parents.
    I am totally agree with the idea that mothers and teachers should get the training for the same. At PJK we are already spreading awareness about this by different means such as Good Touch Bad Touch videos and even books. As a responsible citizen we should do our part to curb this.

  38. Thankyou Mam for sharing an informative article on a very sensitive topic "child abuse". In Podar Jumbo Kids we learnt and share the thoughts over good and bad touch with kids and parents too, which is I think responsibility of all citizens and it should be taught in all other institutions too. Thank-you once again Mam.

    Shubhi Chhabra,
    Teacher, Podar Jumbo Kids, Wagholi.

  39. Thankyou Mam for sharing an informative article on a very sensitive topic "child abuse". In Podar Jumbo Kids we learnt and share the thoughts over good and bad touch with kids and parents too, which is I think responsibility of all citizens and it should be taught in all other institutions too. Thank-you once again Mam.

    Shubhi Chhabra,
    Teacher, Podar Jumbo Kids, Wagholi.

  40. Thank you mam for sharing such an informative blog with us . Child abuse is a criminal offence and hence the offender should be given in equal to capital punishment. So that no body would dare to do this criminal offence. As precaution is better than cure and as a precautionary measure though the child is a boy or a girl, it is the prime responsibility of the mother to teach the kids seriousness of good touch and bad touch and later when the kids go to school, there also the teacher should ensure that are aware of good touch and bad touch. Always podar has taken initiative for spreading awareness about rights of children and also the child abuse. Not only me the whole parents and teachers are thanking you for taking the initiative for spreading the awareness so that we can save our children from those anti social elements. Teacher, PJK, WAGHOLI

  41. Thank you mam for sharing such an informative blog with us . Child abuse is a criminal offence and hence the offender should be given in equal to capital punishment. So that no body would dare to do this criminal offence. As precaution is better than cure and as a precautionary measure though the child is a boy or a girl, it is the prime responsibility of the mother to teach the kids seriousness of good touch and bad touch and later when the kids go to school, there also the teacher should ensure that are aware of good touch and bad touch. Always podar has taken initiative for spreading awareness about rights of children and also the child abuse. Not only me the whole parents and teachers are thanking you for taking the initiative for spreading the awareness so that we can save our children from those anti social elements. Teacher, PJK, WAGHOLI

  42. Nisha Kapur PJK khar

    This an invigorating article that is an eye opener that talks about child abuse that we as teachers parents and leaders in our respective fields need imbibe in ourselves values and understanding that these kind of abuses should be stopped to make thus world a better place

  43. I miss Neetu Gupta teacher of Podar jumbo kids Wagholi thank you ma'am for sharing such an informative blog about child abuse.It is very necessary to aware teachers and parents about three kinds of abuses.

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  45. I Ms.Sejal Pandya teacher at PJK Nashik would like to thank you for putting light on this sensitive issue happening in the society.We as responsible adults should be alert and aware about such crimes and come together to solve this problem of child abuse.It is the right of each and every child on Earth that he or she grows up in a stressfree and abusefree environment.

  46. This article is an excellent, pro-active tool to help families empower
    themselves regarding child molestation.Thank you Mam for sharing an informative article on a very sensitive topic "child abuse" which is need of an hour.

  47. I Ms.shaheen shaikh teacher of PJK Nashik is thankful to Ma'am for sharing this blog with us, after reading this blog I feel we have more responsibilities towards society,and should stand against child abuse and should take care of children around us to develop their emotions so that this world would become a better place for them to live in.

  48. I Ms. Shaheen Shaikh teacher of PJK, Nashik is thankful to Ma'am for sharing this blog with us, after reading this blog I feel we have more responsibilities towards society and should take stand against child abuse and take care of children around us to develop their emotions so that this world would become a better place for them to live in.

  49. Thank you very much madam for sharing such a important information. The physical and sexual abuse is know to many however the emotional abuse is not known to many parents which very important. Its really important to make teachers and parents aware about problems children goes through due to child abuse.
    Priya Chavan
    PIE student
    PJK Wagholi

  50. Thankyou mam for sharing one more blog with us. Now its a wake up call for all the parents to fight against child abuse. Every parent should read this blog . thankyoy
    Priti mitra
    Pjk teacher ; wagholi.

  51. I Ms. Ramola Menezes teacher at PJK Pus VIle Parle would like to thank you ma'am for sharing this very important blog with us. Children who are spanked every time tend to develop behavioral problems as and when they grow in life but teachers and parents don't realise the impact of these action on young children. Children not only face physical abuse but also mental and emotional abuse and it's very sad to know that child sexual abuse is increasing day by day. Our law also needs to give strict punishment to the people who harm these innocent children. Thus it is essential to educate parents, children and youngsters about child abuse.

  52. I Ms. Kamini Dhangar teacher at PJK, Nashik would like to thank for such a informative article presented in detail. Its really important to make teacher and parents aware about problems children go through due to child abuse. It is a lesson for all of us to act responsible and share as much information to the society.

  53. I Ms. Ashwini Mungi teacher at PJK,Nashik would like to thank you Ma'am for this informative article. Truly a very sensitive issue which needs to be focused on by all the people in the society so that each and every child grows up in an abuse free society.

  54. Thank you Swati Maam for sharing such informative blog. It is a blog which will help us to deal sensitive issue like child abuse.

  55. Thank you Swati Maam for sharing such informative blog. It is a blog which will help us to deal sensitive issue like child abuse.

  56. Thank you so much ma'am for sharing important information with us.This blog is a must read for parents and teachers.
    Ms Neha Rupasari
    PJK -Khar

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  59. Thank you so much ma'am for sharing such important information with us It will help everbody to deal with such kind of problems and also spread awareness about it
    Ms.Shailaja Patil
    Teacher PJKP khar

  60. In today's day and age even among the educated class...awareness of such heinous acts doesn't get enough attention and recognition. Everyone assumes this can't happen to me/ my family...but the truth is that we don't know in which corner danger is hiding. Hence its extremely important for parents and children to be aware of such happenings which your blog beautifully presents. As a parent and teacher it's our foremost duty to educate our child to good touch and bad touch at a very early age so that if any abuse is happening we can catch it and stop it immediately. Monisha Bhatia PJK + KHAR

  61. Thank you Swati ma'am for sharing such an important blog with us. As teachers and parents we should be aware of such things in detail as we deal with young children who are most of the times unable to express what is happening to them mentally, physically and emotionally.
    Veronica Solomon Rane- Teacher
    PJK +

  62. Thanks a ton mam for sharing this article ... After reading your blog It has enhance my sensitivity towards the issue . Meenakshi Nair podar jumbo kids Wagholi

  63. Thanks Swati ma'm for sharing this blog as it was very informative n worth reading.
    Shilpa Kadakia

  64. Hello maam,this blog should be shared with the teachers of muncipality school as kids from these school suffer more it will bring a lot of change thanks maam

    Kanti V Shetty
    PJK Khar

  65. I Ms. Janice Gomes teacher with PJK Plus Vile Parle, thank you ma'am for sharing such an important blog which is very sensitive in our society. Everyone in today's society should know about different types of child abuse and the consequences after the abuse on a child, there are many abuse like spanking, pinching, shouting, lack of love and care, sexual abuse etc the community in whole has to be aware about it. So that our kids, the young generation of tomorrow are brought up in right environment in an appropriate way.

  66. I Ms. Janice Gomes teacher with PJK Plus Vile Parle, thank you ma'am for sharing such an important blog which is very sensitive in our society. Everyone in today's society should know about different types of child abuse and the consequences after the abuse on a child, there are many abuse like spanking, pinching, shouting, lack of love and care, sexual abuse etc the community in whole has to be aware about it. So that our kids, the young generation of tomorrow are brought up in right environment in an appropriate way.

  67. Thank u swati ma'am for such an informative blog. As educators its necessary for us to be vigilant regarding issues on child abuse as we deal with young kids who are too small at times to express their views. Charishma Shetty PJK PLUS KHAR

  68. Thank u swati ma'am for such an informative blog. As educators its necessary for us to be vigilant regarding issues on child abuse as we deal with young kids who are too small at times to express their views. Charishma Shetty PJK PLUS KHAR

  69. Thank you Swati ma'am for sharing such an informative blog. As educators its necessary for us to be vigilant regarding issues on child abuse as we deal with young kids who are too small at times to express their views. Charishma Shetty PJK PLUS KHAR

  70. Thank you Swati ma'am for sharing such an informative blog. As educators its necessary for us to be vigilant regarding issues on child abuse as we deal with young kids who are too small at times to express their views. Charishma Shetty PJK PLUS KHAR

  71. Thank you ma'am for sharing unknown facts about child abuse. We will not only aware children about GOOD TOUCH and BAD TOUCH but also about the wrong things related to child abuse. I will definitely implement it and pass this link to my friends, relatives.
    Once again thank u ma'am for sharing this blog. I would like to know such a informative things from you in future.
    Kavita Gade
    Podar JumboKids, Wagholi

  72. Respected maam,
    Yet another useful bog which is worth the share with the young mothers wh can be made aware of the silent dangers around the children.
    It is important to bring around the awareness among the parents as well as the children.
    It is a must to share this information.
    Thank you maam.

  73. Yes I truly agree and believe that "Community based Interventions" is what will work and make a difference in ensuring the safety and security of our children at various levels.These community based Interventions should not only educate and create awareness but also also work towards pushing the common man power to achieve to bring in stringent punishments for any kind of abuses by the government. India is almost on the verge of becoming the most populated country clubbed with poverty and illetracy , so defined rules and punishments need to be in place soon to enable the community based Interventions to hold value and effect on masses.

  74. Thank you Swati Maam for sharing such informative blog. As educators its necessary for us to be vigilant and be careful in regards to the issues faced on child abuse as we deal with young kids. This blog which will definitely help us to deal sensitive issue like child abuse.

  75. Yes I agree ,The abuse is not always Sexual abuse ,it can be Emotional abuse or even physical abuse. But sadly its only sexual abuse is what is been identified faster compared to other two.As everyone is aware now a days it is very important if can be identified early the most common symptom of Silence . Any kind of abuse will hamper child's personality saying from his social behavior or to self esteem.
    This article is really going to help all understand the change in the child's behavior at every stage .
    Thank you for sharing such indepth article.

  76. This blog is a must read for parents and teachers as its an awareness for us which will help us understand the change in behavior of children and will help us to deal with the issues like child abuse sensitively.

  77. As the quote very correctly says that " It takes a village to take a child", we as a community need to be vigilant not only for our own children but for those who are around us as children are vulnerable and cannot distinguish between right and wrong.
    This blog will surely help parents to deal sensitively on the issues of child abuse.

  78. Thank you ma'am for sharing such important blog. As a parent and a teacher it is very important to make us aware about the problems child goes about child abuse, thank you ma'am.
    Ms Mithila Kulkarni,
    PJK, Nashik.

  79. Thank you ma'am for sharing such important blog. Yes I agree ,The abuse is not always Sexual abuse ,it can be Emotional abuse or even physical abuse.It is important to bring the awareness among the parents as well as the children.This blog will surely help parents to deal sensitively on the issues of child abuse.

  80. I,Miss Jayanthi Subramanian,teacher of PJK Nashik would like to thank you for sharing such a sensitive issue with us.It is very important to spread such awareness among the parents, teachers and to society so that we can be aware about the problems that children goes through n try to create a safe and secure enviroment for them.
