Thursday, 21 January 2016

5 senses test for checking preschools

Test the early childhood center you are choosing for your child…a unique new senses test for parents to ensure they are choosing a quality care kindergarten/daycare for their child.

It’s that time of the year as parents make a frantic rush to enroll kids in the ‘best’ preschool or daycare. Some make a mad rush to remove their kids from an ‘unsatisfying’ one and reenroll at another ‘best’ center. So are parents looking for? Is it ambience, price, furniture, air conditioning, proximity? Well, all these put together will only impact 20% of the child’s socio-emotional and over all development. So instead of only the 20% lets help you focus on the other 80%, use this ‘senses test’ and ‘taste’ the center with your senses and experience the other 80% which is teacher strength, curriculum, teaching-learning practices, experiences of the child, emotional and social development and stress free learning. After all your child uses all 5 senses to experience too.

The first test- Use your eyes- and look for ……

·         Check for Peeling paint on walls and furniture, it means that they are not bothered about safety of kids as kids can touch, scratch, and eat the paint.
·         Look for cobwebs. Cobwebs mean there are spiders and spiders would only build cobwebs if there were insects, so that means there are insects at that center which is a result of lack of cleanliness.
·         Look at the fingernails of all the staff. No long nails and chipped nail polish on the staff, all the staff, especially those that will serve food or look after the hygiene of your child. Chipped nail polish can go into your child’s food and harm your child and long, sharp nails can hurt, scratch the delicate skin of toddlers.
·         Check the mops, (bacteria breeding ground) mops tell you how they clean the vomit, urine, and potty from the floors. Well, many young toddlers are not yet toilet trained so if the center has carpets…god forbid. And if they are using the same mops to clean the floors, OMG! And yet another horror, many centers use the same floor mops to clean the tabletops. Ask, are the bais trained to wipe vomit, potty from floors with paper, then put disinfectant and wipe and then mop. The same mop will not be used for other work, and see separate cloths for tables etc.  
·         And look at flannel board displays, you should see ‘children’s voices’ even in the  displays. There should  be drawings, paintings, worksheets, and loads of photos of activities. It all points to a great learning experience immersed in the 8 intelligences.

The second test- Use your ears and hear……

·         The sounds at the center. Are they about furniture clanging, teachers shouting, and screaming instructions to ayahs. Children  giggling, talking, enjoying or singing should be the sounds you hear.
·         Are kids constantly crying? A good center ensures that crying kids get settled within a short span of time by consulting and coordinating with the family.
·         Can you hear adults constantly ‘shushing’ shhh…. a child or reprimanding them, ‘don’t run, walk in a line’.   When staff shout at any center, it means the atmosphere is extremely formal and teachers are not trained in positive ways to get appropriate behavior.

The third test- Use your touch and…..
·         Touch surfaces around the center, are you getting dust on your fingertips?  If yes, its  because it is not cleaned regularly.
·         Check how the staff touch the kids , is their grip very harsh? Or is it gentle?  
·         Check how the toilet staff takes care of the kids, especially how they wash when a child has to be cleaned after potty.  
·         Touch the edges of furniture, are they too sharp? Furniture should be  well rounded.
·         Now a touch test for your child- what kind of toys are there for your child to  touch? Will your child get a multisensory experience? Are there soft, hard, plastic, wood, toys. Toys to build, toys to play, puppets, and role-play toys. Toys to dance, toys to exercise with and toys to share?  

The fourth test- Use your tongue…voice. And…

·         Ask what the qualifications of the center staff are. How many of them are trained teachers. They should not only trained in how to teach but also how to handle children with different needs, temperaments, and personalities.
·         How many hours of training do they get regularly in a week. Every week they should get trained for 2-3  hours
·         Who trains them?  Do they have educationists on board?
·         Ask about the curriculum used by the center. Ask about the educational philosophy.  
·         What are their safety and security guidelines. Do they have a safety and emergencies docket, and a training based on it for all staff?
·         Do they have a fire safety drill?
·         What about good touch- bad touch?  Are children told about good touch bad touch? How?
·          How are children assessed? With a simple A,B,C grading or with a detailed observation   that will help you understand your child’s stage of development.

The fifth test…Use your nose and ….

·         Smell the center. Is it smelling of food, urine? Because  young children are sensitive to smells.  
·         Does it smell of strong bleach? Bad. As heavy chemicals are bad for kids.  
·         Does it smell of fresh wall paint? Bad for kids.  
·         Does it smell of pesticide? Bad for kids.  
·         Does it smell of the local gutter smell. Many centers do, which makes kids crankier.  Smells have a direct impact on kids learning and focus.  
·         How often do they service their air conditioners? As kids can fall sick with subserviced ones.  It should be done each month.

All of the above have an impact on your child’s  brain development as their brain development is mainly based on sensory stimulation. This can result in children becoming cranky, frustrated and thus impacting their social skills, emotional, language, and cognitive skills. So it makes great sense to ‘taste’ your child’s center with your senses to ensure the right nurturing and stimulation for your child especially in the crucial brain development years.
Choose well for your child after all the first 6 years are when 98% of the brain develops. 


  1. Thank you ma'am for sharing this message on 5 senses test it is indeed a message for all parents to check the quality standards for their little ones and for the running preschools is an alarm to check that these things are taken care for the development of children.

  2. Thank You ma'am its indeed a wonderful message for all the parents and pre-school owner to keep a check on quality and safety standards to provide children with a secured environment for the growth and development.

  3. 5 senses test for checking preschools is the best article for parents who are seeking best preschool for their child in coming session. All the safety measures mentioned here plays an important role. Unfortunately very rare pre schools provides these all the standards. Parent must be aware about the things to check before enrolling their child in any preschool. Thank you ma'am for helping so many parents to search a safe environment in a standard way.

  4. The 5 senses test is really a help to parents, especially when they are seeking admission for their first child and don't have an idea of what to expect from a school. We handover this test to parents with confidence that our centre has passed the test. Very often parents have appreciated the test when they come to complete the admission procedure and sometimes share the comparison with other schools. This helps word-of-mouth promotion too! Once again heartfelt thanks to you, Swati Ma'am for your excellent guidance to maintain the quality of our brand.

  5. Selecting a preschool that is a good fit for your child can be exciting as well as overwhelming. As a parent, one wants to be confident that he/she has decided on the right program, but how do you make the best choice?
    Thank you ma'am for guiding parent, teachers as well as school to follow the guidelines before taking admission.

  6. 5 Senses test article is very helpful for the parents who are seeking best pre school for their child. Many parents are confused about how to choose the best pre school for the child. This article will really helpful for the parents for selecting the best preschool.
    Thank you Swati Ma'am for the article.

  7. Choosing your child’s childcare center or first school is both an exciting and daunting prospect. Regardless of the qualities we are looking for, it’s wise to start researching early and apply to multiple programs, because space is often limited. 5senses will help to ensure that this school will be right for your child and you.
    Thanx mam for sharing rather helping parents to choose proper pre school to ensure the right nurturing and stimulation for a child as well as teachers to maintain the quality of our brand.
    Sejal Dave
    Teacher @PJK Baramati

  8. Thank You Ma'am for sharing this important message on 5 senses, as it is very much important for the parents & schools to be alert and look after all the necessary points which will help them for the development and growth of the children.

  9. The preschool years are the first foundation for all future education in child's life. Many parents are not aware about what exactly has to be looked in preschool. This article will definitely help them in the various important aspects to be looked and to take the right decision for their little ones. Thank you Ma'am for this important article.

  10. Thanks maam for sharing such a valuable article.parents are always willing to handover a child in proper hands where childs good care regarding all the issues are kept in mind.This article eill surely help parents to take a right decision. Five senses really play a very important role in each life rather valuable to develop all skills in child.
    PJK Nashik
    Ashwini Manish Mungi

  11. Since choosing the right school for your child is a major and first "LIFE IMPACTING" decision , it is bound to be taken very carefully.
    At first impulse when a parent walks into a school, all the above parameters mentioned by Respected Swati maam ,should be clearly visible and felt, which in turn will give every child
    a wonderful and happy introduction to education.
    HM - Rachana Jagtap- T-point Aurangabad.

  12. Selecting a preschool is indeed the toughest job.... Instead of getting just carried away by the coloured brochures.. it's very essential to think about all the senses that comes into play . Every activity that a school chooses for the children should have a purpose. That feel good factor... hearing children laugh, giggle and enjoy when walking around is very important.A must share article for all parents. Thank you Ma'am.
    Sunita Jadhav.

  13. Thanks maam for such a valuable article. It always been a tough time for parents to seek all the necessary criteria for seeking admission. This article will definitely help parents to clear all their doubts.

  14. Selecting a preschool that will nurture all round development is very important and these check list will serve as an important tool. Thank u ma'am for such a wonderful article .
    Siddhi shaharkar

  15. Thanks maam for sharing such a valuable article . It always been a tough time for parents to seek all the necessary criteria for seeking admission . This article will definitely help parents to clear all their doubts Supriya Labhade Nashik Pjk

  16. Thank you so much Maam to share with us such an informative article.surely this information will help all the parents to choose right kindergarten for their tiny tots.
    Tejashree Marathe
    Teacher in PJK Nashik

  17. Thank you so much Maam to share with us such an informative article.surely this information will help all the parents to choose right kindergarten for their tiny tots.
    Tejashree Marathe
    Teacher in PJK Nashik

  18. Thanks maam for sharing such a valuable article . It always been a tough time for parents to seek all the necessary criteria for seeking admission . This article will definitely help parents to clear all their doubts. Supriya Labhade PJK Nashik

  19. It's very important for parents to know how 5 senses impact their child and it's importance in selecting the child's Kindergarten.
    Thanks alot mam for sharing such a important article...

  20. I really love this article, it helps to guide while choosing a good school for our kids as a wholesome environment is very important, also we can recognise which schools take precautions towards protection and providing the best for kids.
    Teacher, PJK Landmark

  21. Thank you maam for your valuable article. It will be very informative for parents who are seeking admission and will help them to choose the right environment .Monisha Bhatia PJK + landmark khar.

  22. Thank you Maam for sharing this informative article with us. Parents should aim for the holistic development of their child not forgetting other areas of safety, hygienie etc. This is a must read for parents.

    Veronica S Rane
    PJK Landmark

  23. Thank you ma'am for sharing such wonderful article.This article will surely help the parents.Even school staff should keep all these points in mind to provide children a hygenic and happy environment.
    Shahnaaz Shaikh.

  24. Thank you Maam for sharing this informative article with us. Parents should aim for the holistic development of their child not forgetting other areas of safety, hygienie etc. This is a must read for parents.

    Veronica S Rane
    PJK Landmark

  25. By reading this article parents who are unaware on what criteria they can select their child's preschool can take a wise decision of choosing the ideal school for their little ones. Thank u ma'am for sharing this informative article. Charishma Shetty PJK PLUS Landmark Bandra

  26. By reading this article parents who are unaware on what criteria they can select their child's preschool can take a wise decision of choosing the ideal school for their little ones. Thank u ma'am for sharing this informative article. Charishma Shetty PJK PLUS Landmark Bandra

  27. As parents we are often confuse for selecting the right preschool for our kids by this article parents can get an idea about selecting their child's kindergarten. Thank you ma'am for sharing such an informative article. Charishma Shetty PJK PLUS Landmark Bandra

  28. As parents we are often confuse for selecting the right preschool for our kids by this article parents can get an idea about selecting their child's kindergarten. Thank you ma'am for sharing such an informative article. Charishma Shetty PJK PLUS Landmark Bandra

  29. Thank you maam for sharing such a valuable article and very important for parents to know that what they should look for in a school to enroll their kids

  30. This article is really good for the parents who are confused in choosing the reading this article parents will now be aware of the 5 senses and it will be easy to choose the right school for thier child.
    priyam bhatt pjk plus landmark Bandra

  31. This article is really good for the parents who are confused in choosing the reading this article parents will now be aware of the 5 senses and it will be easy to choose the right school for thier child.
    priyam bhatt pjk plus landmark Bandra

  32. Thank you maam for sharing this informative will surely help parents who are seeking admission .selecting a good preschool is very important and this article of yours will serve as an important tool.
    Anwita Priyadarshini
    PJK Landmark building

  33. This article is really very helful for the parents who all get confused when it comes to choose the best preschool for their little ones... Coz each school is very different frm each other in thier own way, diff structure, diff philosophy, etc.... If as parent we use our 5 senses in a right way, we can build a strong world for our kids.. Thank u Ma'am..
    Reena Singh PJK Landmark Bandra

  34. thank you maam for sharing this article .A real guide for parents and all preschool centres.Hina shroff pjk khar land mark

  35. Thank you Ma'am for sharing this educative message on the 5 senses test. Parents should definitely use it while choosing the right Preschool for their child. It is also our duty, as teachers, to ensure that our Preschool is maintained in accordance with the standards mentioned by you in this article.

    Rashmi S. Gawde
    Podar Jumbo Kids,

  36. Thank you maam for sharing very important article.It is very much important for parents to know what they should see in school while choosing the right preschool for their child.
    Aishwarya Shah

  37. Thank you maam for sharing very important article.It is very much important for parents to know what they should see in school while choosing the right preschool for their child.
    Aishwarya Shah

  38. It's very important for parents to know how 5 senses impact their child and it's importance in selecting the child's Kindergarten.
    Thanks alot mam for sharing such a important article...

  39. Thanks maam for the wonderful article. It will definitely help parents in making a right decision for building a strong foundation for their kids.
    Rajani Varshney, PJK plus Landmark, Khar, Mumbai

  40. Thanks maam for the wonderful article. It will definitely help parents in making a right decision for building a strong foundation for their kids.
    Rajani Varshney, PJK plus Landmark, Khar, Mumbai

  41. Thank you ma'am for sharing this article, indeed it is a guide to all the parents as they are so worried about getting admissions in the right school. This test on 5 senses will undoubtedly satisfy their needs and keep up the trust.

    Ashma S teacher at PJK

  42. Thank you ma'am for sharing this article, indeed it is a guide to all the parents as they are so worried about getting admissions in the right school. This test on 5 senses will undoubtedly satisfy their needs and keep up the trust.

    Ashma S teacher at PJK

  43. Thank you Ma'am for sharing such an informative article which is a very helpful tool for parents in selecting the right school. This also proves to be a checklist for teachers to concentrate on these points for betterment of school.
    Ms.Jayanthi Subramanian
    PJK Nashik

  44. Thank you Ma'am for sharing such an informative article which is a very helpful tool for parents in selecting the right school. This also proves to be a checklist for teachers to concentrate on these points for betterment of school.
    Ms.Jayanthi Subramanian
    PJK Nashik

  45. Thank you ma'am for sharing the message on five senses. It will be very informative for parents who are seeking admission and will help them to select the right environment while choosing the preschool for their child.

  46. 5 senses test. A simple, effective and a must take test for all parents who are seeking for the ‘Best’ school for their child. Thank you ma’am for this article.

    Parita Parekh
    PJK- landmark

  47. Thank you ma'am for sharing such wonderful article.This article will surely help the parents.Even school staff should keep all these points in mind to provide children a hygenic and happy environment.
    Shahnaaz Shaikh.

  48. thank you maam for sharing this article .A real guide for parents and all preschool centres.Sukhjit Sablok PJK khar land mark

  49. Thank you Swati Ma'am for sharing 5 senses test article. Preschool is the base of education. Many parents are confused about choosing the preschool for their child. But with the help of 5 senses test it will be easy for them.
    Yogita Bankar
    PJK Baramati

  50. Thank you Swati Ma'am for sharing 5 senses test article. Preschool is the base of education. Many parents are confused about choosing the preschool for their child. But with the help of 5 senses test it will be easy for them.
    Yogita Bankar
    PJK Baramati

  51. Thank u maam for sharing such an important article which will really help parents who struggle for selecting the right preschool for their little ones.... Sakina Telwala
    PJK, Nashik

  52. Thank you Ma'am for sharing such an important article,indeed the article will acknowledge parents to choose the right preschool for their kids and give them a safe environment for learning.
    Shaheen Shaikh,
    PJK Nashik

  53. choosing the right pre school for their child is a task for parents these days.This 5sense test take care of the basic necessity in any good preschool.A good guide for parents. Thank you mam for sharing valuable and helpful articles.

  54. choosing the right pre school for their child is a task for parents these days.This 5sense test take care of the basic necessity in any good preschool.A good guide for parents. Thank you mam for sharing valuable and helpful articles.

  55. Thanks a lot Mam for an informative article. It is important for parents to know the importance and impact of 5 senses in a child's life in early years...

  56. I miss Neha Rupasari, teacher of PJ K Khar ( Landmark) centre would like to thank you ma'am for sharing the blog with us ...

  57. Thanks Ma'am for sharing such a nice article which helps the parents to select not only the right preschool for their pupil but also to know the importance and needs of 5 senses in their childs holistic development...... Vidya tr. PJK Landmark

  58. Thank you maam for sharing this awakening article.As parents and educators we all should know that the first five years in a childs life are very crucial as they are responsible for the all round development of the child.Hence,we should take care that we gift our children a preschool that will fill their hearts and minds with positive emotions,age appropriate learning and high level of safety and sanitation.
    Sejal Pandya

  59. It is of very much importance to have a 360 degree approach for the safety of our kids. Swati madam's article is a very vivid explanation and quite apt in this direction. We must use all our senses to ensure that all our kids are safe. Thanks madam for such an eye opener article.

    Mr. Ramesh Chandra Panda
    Principal, PIS, Nashik

  60. Thankyou Mam for the article it's a great help for the parents and will guide them to the right direction

  61. Thankyou ma'am for sharing about the 5 senses which will help everybody do understand the around them.

  62. Thankyou ma'am for sharing about the 5 senses which will help everybody do understand the around them.

  63. The article is very informative and its very important for all parents and educators to be aware of it as the first five years are very essential for the young children.

    Ms.Kiran Gangwani.

  64. Very informative article.. Thank u for sharing the post

    Ms. Snehal M
    PJK landmark

  65. Thank you so much gor the very informative will be very helpful for parents who are seeking admission.. Madhavi Balchandani
    Pjk plus..Landmark

  66. Thank you so much gor the very informative will be very helpful for parents who are seeking admission.. Madhavi Balchandani
    Pjk plus..Landmark

  67. Thank you ma'am for sharing 5 senses article . .I always get inspired reading it.

    Ms. Urvi Shah
    Pjk landmark

  68. Thank you ma'am for sharing 5 senses article . .I always get inspired reading it.

    Ms. Urvi Shah
    Pjk landmark

  69. Thank you ma'am for sharing this message on 5 senses test. All the safety measures mentioned here are very important. Parent must be aware about the things to check before enrolling their child in preschool. Very often parents did so. This article is very useful and informative for us as well as for parents.
    Mithila Kulkarni,
    PJK, Nashik

  70. A great help for each one with a kid and also to those expecting mothers to understand the impact of 5senses on the child. Thank you very much for the beautiful insight, this article will surely enhance the knowledge of every teacher and parent.

    Veronica D'cunha (Activity Teacher)

  71. Thank you Ma'am for this informative article.Parents are usually confused while choosing a good preschool so this information will be very useful to them.
    Aarti Bhavnani
    Pjk Landmark

  72. In the era of nuclear family each and every parent want the best of everything for their little ones.This article is a real boon for parents.No parent can even think that 5 senses is so important in opting the right choice of preschool for their sweetheart . My heartfelt thanks to ma'am for sharing an important and informative article in such a lucid style
    Ms.Rubina Khan

  73. A great guide about 5 senses for parents who are looking out for good school for their child.It is an eye opener for other schools as well.Thank you ma'am for sharing this blog with us.
    Archana Mali
    Tcher PJK Landmark Mumbai

  74. Thank you ma'am for sharing such valuable article. This article will surely help parents to take right decision. Five senses really play a very important role in everybody's life.its necessary to develop all skills in our child.

    Thank you,
    Priya upasani
    PIE,trainee, Nashik

  75. Thank you ma'am for sharing such valuable article. This article will surely help parents to take right decision. Five senses really play a very important role in everybody's life.its necessary to develop all skills in our child.

    Thank you,
    Priya upasani
    PIE,trainee, Nashik

  76. Thank you mam for sharing such an important article with us this will surely help those parents who are looking forward for the best pre school for their kids.

    Ruchi teacher pjk landmark Mumbai

  77. Thank you so much Ma'am for sharing this important message on 5 senses, as it is very much important for the parents and school all so this will help all in bringing all round development of our kids.

    Thank you.
    Roshni patel
    PIE Trainee,Nashik

  78. Thank you ma'am for this article. it is really good for the parents. who are confused in choosing the right pre-school. This will help parents in taking right decision regarding a pre-school.

    Thank you,
    Minal mahajan
    PIE Trainee, Nashik.

  79. Thanks ma'am for sharing this message on 5 senses test. It''s needed & wonderful massage for all parents and preschool owner for child development. It also useful for parents to right or good choice of preschool for their child.

  80. Thank You ma'am for sharing this important message on 5 senses test article. This article will really helpful for the parents and teachers.Once again thank you so much ma'am.�� Amruta Bhure, PJK Nashik.

  81. Thank you ma'am for sharing such use full information of 5 senses test. It will definitely help parents who are confused in choosing the right kindergarten.

    Thank you,
    preeti malave
    PIE Trainee,Nashik

  82. Thank you ma'am for sharing such use full information of 5 senses test. It will definitely help parents who are confused in choosing the right kindergarten.

    Thank you,
    preeti malave
    PIE Trainee,Nashik

  83. Thank you maam for your valuable article. This article will be very useful for the parents who are seeking admission and for the owners of pre-school and teachers as well.
    Puja Mistry,
    PJK Landmark

  84. Thank you maam for sharing these 26 reasons with us.we should definitely talk to our children about the significant dates and should make them feel proud to be an indian.your this blog will even help parents in making their children a responsible citizen of this country.
    Anwita Priyadarshini
    PJK Landmark

  85. Thank you ma'am for sharing this message on 5 senses test.It really will help parents,when they are seeking admissions for their child and don't have an idea of what to expect from a school.It is very helpful for parents who are seeking best pre school for their child.
    PIE Trainee Nashik
    Divya Lokwani

  86. The blog on five senses is an eye opener for parents in selecting a good pre- school..... Thank you ma'am for sharing this. Shilpa Chaudhari Teacher - Landmark

  87. Thank you Swati mam for such a eye opening blog of 5 senses test ... 5 senses test article is very helpful for the parents who are seeking best Pre school for the first child .. The article will surely help parents to take a right decision . This is must read for all teachers as well as parents ... Thanks again mam for all the intresting articles ....
    Podar jumbo kids

  88. Wow ....very nice article . this article will definitely help the parents to choose a good pre school for their children. I think these 5 senses will give you a best pre school.
    Priti Mitra. (Main teacher)
    Podar Jumbo Kids

  89. 5 senses test article is very informative blog for the parents & schools to be alert which will help to growth of the children. Thanks mam for sharing such a valuable article.
    PIE trainee

  90. 5 senses test for checking preschool is the best article for parents who are seeking best preschool for their child. This article surely and definitely help parents to clear all their doubts'. Thank you mam for sharing such a wonderful article.

  91. Thank you so much Ma'am for sharing informative blog with us. This information is very helpful for parents and preschools.
    Charu Gupta
    Podar Jumbo Kids

  92. Thank you very much madam for sharing informative article with us.This article will definitely help all the parents to choose the best pre school for their kids. Gayatri Devi
    Podar Jumbo Kids

  93. Thank you ma'am for sharing this article. 5 senses test plays a very important role in child's growth and development as well as it is very helpful for parents to choose the best preschool for thier kids.
    Kavita Gade
    Teacher - Podar Jumbo Kids

  94. Madam, Good evening.
    Thanks a lot for sharing 5 senses for selecting preschool, actually it's very tough task to parents to select preschool for their champs and sometime they may be making mistake because of less knowledge about school culture, cleanliness & most important whether suitable for their ward or not? But if they follow 5 senses which you has mention I'm dam sure they well not make any mistake as well as enjoyed schooling of their wards. This will also helpful to build mindset of kid about healthy environment of school.

    Neeta Chopada
    Podar Jumbo Kids,

  95. Madam, Good evening.
    Thanks a lot for sharing 5 senses for selecting preschool, actually it's very tough task to parents to select preschool for their champs and sometime they may be making mistake because of less knowledge about school culture, cleanliness & most important whether suitable for their ward or not? But if they follow 5 senses which you has mention I'm dam sure they well not make any mistake as well as enjoyed schooling of their wards. This will also helpful to build mindset of kid about healthy environment of school.

    Neeta Chopada
    Podar Jumbo Kids,

  96. Sapna khamesra , podar jumbo kids wagholi
    Thanks mam for very informative article for parents who are searching best preschool for their child it will surely help them to decide.

  97. Sapna khamesra , podar jumbo kids wagholi
    Thanks mam for very informative article for parents who are searching best preschool for their child it will surely help them to decide.

  98. Thank you mam for sharing such an informative article with us. The five senses test will definitely help the parents to choose the best play school for their child. A good school lays a good foundation for their child's life.Once again thank you mam for sharing informative articles all the time. Meera Sajish ( Teacher ) Podar Jumbo Kids, Wagholi.

  99. Thank you mam for sharing such an informative article with us. The five senses test will definitely help the parents to choose the best play school for their child. A good school lays a good foundation for their child's life.Once again thank you mam for sharing informative articles all the time. Meera Sajish ( Teacher ) Podar Jumbo Kids, Wagholi.

  100. Thank you madam for sharing this information.while reading this article I came across some thoughts which I would like to share:

    open play area is also one important factor which as a parent I always look for. Play is the work of childhood,a preschool with no play area is a body without soul.

    Second thing is ratio of number of students to lavatories built in the this would ensure that children doesn't have to wait or suppress the natures call as most of the times they are unable to do so.

    Thank you,
    Radha Susarla teacher
    Pjk chinchwad,pune

  101. Thank you madam for sharing this information.while reading this article I came across some thoughts which I would like to share:

    open play area is also one important factor which as a parent I always look for. Play is the work of childhood,a preschool with no play area is a body without soul.

    Second thing is ratio of number of students to lavatories built in the this would ensure that children doesn't have to wait or suppress the natures call as most of the times they are unable to do so.

    Thank you,
    Radha Susarla teacher
    Pjk chinchwad,pune

  102. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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